Insulation Grants

The Irish Government has a number of Grants to help you insulate your house. It covers roof Insulation, wall Insulation, including cavity wall insulation, Internal wall insulation and external cavity wall insulation. The information about grants is changing all the time so the best way we can help you is to actually point to towards the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland website.

This is some of the information from their website as at, May 2018

Who can avail of the scheme?

It is a National scheme and therefore all homeowners of dwellings built before 2006 may apply. Landlords and owners of multiple properties may also apply, however they must submit a separate application form for each property. If you are a landlord or a management company considering an entire building upgrade, please contact SEAI before applying online for the grant.

Can I apply if I was part of the HES Pilot scheme?

Homeowners, who received a grant payment through the earlier HES Pilot scheme may apply for measures not included in any such payments.

What type of work can I get a grant for?

Grants will be provided to homeowners who invest in energy efficiency improvements in the following area:

  • Roof Insulation
  • Wall Insulation– this includes either cavity wall, internal dry lining or external insulation
  • Installation of a High Efficiency (> 90%) Gas or Oil fired Boilers with Heating Controls Upgrade*
  • Heating Controls Upgrade
  • Building Energy Rating (BER)– is an integral part to the scheme and is undertaken after grant aided works are completed**

*Minimum requirement of: 2 zones (space and water) with 7 day programmer (time and temperature) control and boiler interlock, time and temperature control of electric immersion heater and either 1 more zone control or 3 TRV’s.

**This comes into effect from the 8th of June 2010. Only one BER grant available per home. As a BER certificate is required for each application, it is advisable that homeowners apply for, and undertake, all planned grant aided works at the same time to minimize the costs associated with multiple BERs. Note that grant payment can only be claimed once all measures associated with your application have been completed, including the BER assessment.

How much are the grants?

Grants are fixed for each type of measure as indicated in the table below. Grant approval must be in place before any purchase of materials or commencement of measures undertaken. Grants are paid after the measures are completed and the contractor has been paid by the homeowner. In the instance where the cost of the work (vat inclusive) is less than the fixed grant amount, the actual cost will be reimbursed.

Roof Roof Insulation €300
Wall Cavity wall insulation €300
  Internal Wall Dry-Lining €2,400
  External wall insulation €6,000
Heating Controls High Efficiency Gas or Oil fired Boiler with Heating Controls Upgrade €560
  Heating Controls Upgrade €700
BER Assessment BER After Upgrade Works (Only one BER grant per home) €50

* Please note that while you are entitled to apply for each Measure there is a minimum requirement that the grant amount in the first application must be €500 or greater. The BER grant cannot form part of this €500 amount.